- Dressage and English Tack
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- Bridles Dressage and English
Bridles Dressage and English

Straight Padded Crown Dressage Bridle with Bit Hooks

Round Raised Straight Padded Monocrown English Bridle

Soft Grip Reins

New Padded Sidepull - works with almost any Bridle!

Elegant Simplicity English Leather Bridle, Flat Black or Brown Leather
Only a few left!

Specialty Hackamore Shank pairs in various styles and colors, all available in silver, gold, rainbow and blue metallic.
$29.00 - $41.00
$29.00 - $41.00

Separate Pair of Hackamore Shanks, - medium to long shank models
$35.00 - $51.00
$35.00 - $51.00